What do Brazilian Death Metal, the Dalai Lama, and American scooter gangs have in common? Give up? Yeah, me too. Hence the mixed plate found here. Street candids, press corps grabs, bits of essays, and such.

What do Brazilian Death Metal, the Dalai Lama, and American scooter gangs have in common? Give up? Yeah, me too. Hence the mixed plate found here. Street candids, press corps grabs, bits of essays, and such.
50% of the Esquire Magazine Dubious Achievements creative collective outside their satellite office, The Cosmic restaurant.
That's Stanley Bing on the left, Michael Hirschorn on the right.
Coney Island, NYC.
Misquamicut, RI.
Louis Farrakhan, Chicago, IL.
The Greatest, NYC.
Hector 'Macho' Camacho, R.I.P. Ringside, Madison Square Garden, NYC.
Sand mandala ceremony. Seattle, WA.
Sepultura show. Clearwater, FL.
Interstate scooter rally, Niagara Falls, NY. This sturdy gent was from Detroit, and had gotten as far as Philly before dropping his scooter on the freeway. After the ambulance part, he and his trusty steed had hitched the last leg with a kindly pickup driver.